Sunday, October 17, 2021

I should be ashamed...

On Sundays, BB & I compete in tourneys of the online game WordScapes, in which a player finds as many words as possible among a given set of letters.  The words the player inputs either go toward solving the puzzle, or if they are not a part of the puzzle, they go into an extra-credit container that we refer to as the Bucket.  Find all the words in the puzzle, and you get credit for all legitimate words you found, including those in the Bucket.  

If the word you make isn't on their list of legitimate dictionary words, it is rejected and you get no score.  That happens more often than we would like, as from time to time a real English word gets the thumbs-down from the game's automated judge.  

Being in terms of maturity still age 11, I thrill to making word entries such as PEE, PEES, or PEED and telling BB, "PEE went in the Bucket."  Or occasionally I will say to her, "The game won't take SHIT from me."  

Tonight, I called over to her, "The game didn't take SNEW."  She responded just as I hoped, "SNEW?  What is SNEW?"

Having been properly set up, I followed through with the punch line learned when I really was age 11 or so, "Not much.  What's new with you?"


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