Saturday, March 26, 2022

At It Again

Further creativity in my off hours:  The single of Perfume by Sparks is about 75 seconds shorter than the album version.  I liked some of the single version better, and some of the album version better.  All of which impelled me to dust off and update GoldWave, first to record a copy of the album version, then to edit it down to my version, which clocks in at 4:26.  That's something like 30 seconds less than the album, 45 seconds longer than the single.

Not that I can post a copy here today, but if I'm still walking around on this planet when the Hello Young Lovers album goes into public domain, you can be sure that I will.  Never mind how old I'll be; suffice it to say that 2006+95 years=the 22nd Century.  

Brought up TikTok for the first time, watching a young woman DJ on a jazz station.  No ideas for that platform, but I have imagined myself lip-syncing to Was (Not Was) and their song I Feel Better Than James Brown.  After seeing TikTok, I'm thinking about what it would take to record that video.  Don't worry, I'm not about to do that, although I can imagine some scenes from an animated version.  But that's a job for someone with a talent for animation.

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