Monday, March 28, 2022


The last two times I lost at Wordle, I had four of the 5 letters, but there were multiple possibilities for the final letter and I guessed wrong.  

The same situation came up today.  After 3 guesses, I knew two letters and had a pretty good idea that the answer would be _OUND.  But would it be BOUND, FOUND, MOUND, POUND, or WOUND?

Three more guesses, five more possibilities.  A statistician would be able to tell you the exact probability that I'd guess correctly.  All I knew is that I didn't like my chances.

Different tactic:  put together a wrong guess containing as many of the possible letters as... um... possible.  

After guess #1, I'm positive that the last letter is a D, and that B and M are out.
After guess #2, I'm positive that P and W are out.

Leaving just one possibility.  And there's the answer.

Only works in standard mode, of course.   Hard mode won't allow guesses that don't contain the already-established letters.

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