Thursday, March 24, 2022

Told Ya So

I was telling my wife about the John Waters interview from the previous post, and emphasizing how much the "stops me in my tracks" meant to me.  Then I wanted to follow up by comparing the artists who create audacious art to the schlockmeisters of kitsch, but couldn't remember the name of the example of the latter I wanted to cite.  The guy had been pretty famous, but faded away before his early death.  But what was his name?  I even tried googling kitsch and schlock art, but no luck.  

Still, remembering my past experience, I told her that I would probably soon see that name somewhere, when I wasn't looking for it.  It's happened to me several times already, and I've learned not to stress in the moment.  Just give it a little time.

Today, in Walmart, we were walking from the department store side to the supermarket side, when in a display of 2022 calendars, I saw one that featured the art of Thomas Kinkade.  

Funny how it works, but it does...

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