Saturday, June 11, 2022

On the road again

A Saturday afternoon spent at Tabby's Place, enjoying the company of many good cats.  On the way there, I passed a field -- or I should say, began to pass a field containing white and yellow flowers, and it stopped me in my tracks.  I stopped the car on the side of the road and got out to take a few pictures.

At Tabby's Place, a good many of the dozens of snaps I took never even made it home, and once home, many more were deleted.  But a few of them turned out all right, like this one of Mary Jane.  She was scared when I entered, with her body in a small crouched position, but by the time I left, I'd earned some of her trust and she looked more at ease.  

Foxglove or Beardtongue

Lance-leaved Coreopsis


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