Wednesday, June 29, 2022

The wrong 3rd out

So anyway, I learned something, specifically about Official Baseball Rule 5.09(c).  One out, runners on 2nd and 3rd.  Batter lines to the 1st baseman (2 outs) and throws to 3rd to try to get the 3rd out.  

The throw was offline and the 3rd baseman had to take a step or two off the base to catch it.  While that was happening, the runner on 3rd crossed home plate.  

Then the 3rd baseman got up and tagged the man in front of him (3rd out) and then touched 3rd base, because the guy there left early.  And that's where the "Fourth Out" part of 5.09(c) came in.

Tickenest commented:  ...Stepping on third before tagging R2 would have prevented the run from scoring, because touching the base before tagging the runner makes it unmistakable that the fielder is appealing R3 because that's how you retire R3 in this situation. By tagging R2 first and then touching the base, the fielder does not demonstrate that he is intentionally appealing R3.

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