Monday, June 13, 2022

Seen on our walk this evening

We walked just after sunset, with just enough light left to allow us to walk to the southwestern corner of the development and back.  Before then, it had been in the mid-80's and we had taken refuge in the air conditioning.

At the corner, I saw two small rabbits in the yard across the street.  Then on the way back, I pointed out the strawberry moon rising off to our right.  When we reached the house next door, I spotted one more rabbit, an adult, quietly nibbling clover in the side yard.  

I had already seen two adult cottontails charging and avoiding each other in the yard behind ours.  When they finished their play and hopped away separately, I pulled out the hose and sprayed the bird droppings on the deck railing.  Then I went downstairs and got a dollar-store brush and spray cleaner and removed as much of it as I could.  

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