Wednesday, April 26, 2023

And what is this?

Seen crawling eight feet off the ground in the garage yesterday.  Tiny, smaller than a ladybug.  Let's call in Google Images and find out what it is.


Moments later:  uh-oh.  It's a varied carpet beetle.  Never heard of it before today, and now it's one more thing on the list of things to be concerned about.  

Like the deck that was built decades ago with nails attaching it to the house, nails that are pulling out now and threatening collapse of the deck.  A ledger board with lag bolts would have been the way to go.  

Another shingle blew off in the last big storm.  Three trees have died and their roots are still in the ground, getting in the way of replanting plans.  The windows came with the house and are no longer sealing out the cold.  

And now, at least one varied carpet beetle, and probably more.    

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