Saturday, April 29, 2023

My day

Dot dot dot... took down the chicken wire and screen door that turned the living room into an enclosed area for cats.  First it was used when Nelson was recovering without surgery from a luxating patella, and later it was used to help Nora get used to the Pooshkateers and vice versa.  Inertia kept it in place for years after it was no longer necessary...  

Mallard pair again sighted in the back yard, Still not sure whether their nest is on our property or whether they're coming here to join the other birds who are feeding here.  The hen was determined to keep smaller birds away from the dish of water we'd set out for all...

Rain in the forecast tomorrow between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.  Just ducky...

Well, I believe it's been decided.  We're going to go for the lower-cost landscaping and save the big-ticket flooring installation/roof replacement/deck repair/window replacement and the driveway re-do for another time.  With a house, it's not (just) the cost, it's the upkeep...

Finished reading Much Ado About Me... watched Nebraska volleyball spring game, the Wheat Shockers vs. the Cornhuskers... and I dinked around with the drumsticks from time to time.  Still improvising surfaces to tap upon; mouse pads are good sound deadeners.  Keeping time is interesting, making lots of loud noise is what I want to avoid.  

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