Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Between storms

There's another 6 to 9 inches on the way the day after tomorrow.  I need to get the gas can out of the shed before it gets here.  I need to remind myself that in a month or less, it'll be well above freezing and only the Canadian neighbor's front yard next door will have any snow in it.  They pile it up intentionally, and why not?  Their neighbor has a chicken wire fence at the opening of their living room.  I doubt any other homeowners in this development of six-figure houses have such a feature.  

Where's my good girl Schwirley?  I've been here for hours, and she hasn't appeared.  (Let me get up and go into the kitchen, and then we'll know where she is.  Sneaking by her in there is like trying to sneak the sun past a rooster.)

Copying files from the hard drive to an external drive, with the intent of saving them in the safe deposit box.  There's a hard drive, there's a drive in the cloud backing it up, and soon, another backup offsite.  Gigabytes of audio and video, and a whole heap of photographs.  

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