Sunday, February 28, 2021

Sunday evening post

 Late, because I had a Good Cat on my lap.  

How does someone go through a day under pandemic conditions, and a rainy one at that?  

I read news stories, using Google News to accumulate them.  At noon, I went upstairs and checked the mail at work.  Not surprisingly, there was a pile there waiting.  If my backup did much with it, it was hard to tell.  In about an hour, things were organized; nine requests for tool assistance, four remaining (out of the 8 originally there) requests for tool assistance without sending the tool, and one request for a conference call.  That can all wait until tomorrow morning.

BB made a pot of chili, I vacuumed the house, we spent time with each other and with our cats.  

I watched some volleyball, an episode of 30 Rock, and the remaining half-hour or so of Line King.  

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