Thursday, February 4, 2021

Just the facts

 Awake at 7:30.  Quality Time with Nelson at 8:00 or so.  Up and into the home office by 8:30.  Break at 10:30 for Special K, nuts, and grapefruit juice with seltzer.  Another break around 3:00.  Came up with the pangram that put us into Genius level in Spelling Bee (outgrown, I think it was). BB had found 29 words, and I picked up the last 2.  An hour later, outside to throw some snow off the main sidewalk and the smaller sidewalk leading to the front door.  But after two feet of snow, it was like trying to mow a lawn of knee-high grass.  15-20 minutes later, inside with wobbly arms and elevated heartbeat. Wrapped up paying work at 5:30 and went downstairs for supper of skinless chicken breast, sliced potatoes done in the Breville toaster oven, and carrots which may also have been done in the Breville.  Very little fat.  Followed with a Dove bar.  Netflix for a half-hour of a Scottish BBC comedy, and the subtitles were absolutely necessary.  Amazon Prime for a half-hour of Yes, Minister.  Maybe 20 minutes of Quality Time with my good girl Good Queen Schwirley.  Back into the home office to tie up loose ends before logging out.  Some YouTube music, and I see there's an abridged pirate version of Blott on the Landscape that was just uploaded.  Months ago, I listened to another pirate upload, that one unabridged, until it got taken down somewhere around Chapter 15. That featured Suchet himself doing the reading.  And finally, after the "Call him Ish Mael" comment on Facebook, I tried a Librivox recording of Moby Dick.  And so to bed, as the other diarist put it.

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