Sunday, February 14, 2021

Sunday delivery

Baked bread with the bread machine.  Usually use it just for making dough for cinnamon buns or for pizza.  

Late morning, an Amazon deliveryman stopped with 3 cases of Evian.  When he got out, friendly and enthusiastic dogs from next door ran to greet him, but as he told me later, he'd been bitten by a dog in the past and wasn't taking any chances.  Personally, I was happy to see both Lenny the dalmatian and Charlie the black-and-white non-purebred, and took the opportunity to pet them both.  

And the other different thing today was that I went through the hundreds of bookmarks in Chrome and cleaned them up.  There used to be a utility that would check bookmarks and remove the dead ones.  

Good quality time this morning with my little buddy Nelson, and this evening with my good girl Swirly.  She couldn't wait for me to go into the kitchen and then the living room, and instead simply hopped onto the arm of the recliner and made her way onto the fleece blanket covering my lap.

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