Saturday, February 20, 2021

Saturday Evening Post

Happy Walter Becker's birthday to one and all.

Events of the day:  WalMart to pick up a prescription for BB.  Also cat food, bird food, cleaning supplies, and some nourishment for ourselves.  

AOC has helped raise $3 million for Texas, and today I chipped in a few bucks.  Her activity is a nice contrast to what Senator Cruz has done.  Reasonable persons on all points of the political spectrum agree.

Baked M&M cookies this afternoon.  I may never buy an Oreo again.  

Then got a haircut, the first since October.  Locks of Love will appreciate the gift, if they don't mind the grey.  

After that, to Costco, where parking spaces were in short supply and the checkout line stretched to the back wall.  Walking out empty-handed, I found a shiny quarter in the parking lot.  In the kitty for Tabby's Place it goes.

Looking back a little, BB called a local plumber to replace the faucet in the kitchen, and the replacement is an improvement.  Of the 2-out-of-three choice in such cases, we elected Good and Fast and passed on Cheap.  

But, we tell ourselves, it's covered by one of the stimulus checks from Washington.  We're spending it locally, helping the economy, just like we did with the garage door opener replacements last year.  (Kids, if you have any aptitude for the trades, you can make a good living.  I mean a *good* living.)

Thus ended another day in winter 2020-2021.  Now the TV's on and I'm trying to figure out spikeball.  

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