Thursday, May 27, 2021

A couple other things

With a few minutes to wait until 5:00 this afternoon, I called up the saved baseball game started a day or two previously.  I'd stopped in the 5th inning with the 1977 Tigers leading 1977 Toronto 3-0.  The game went on, and as usual I was managing the home team while the computer called the shots for Detroit.  

Detroit scored twice more, and going to the bottom of the 9th they led 5-0.  Of course, you can now guess that Toronto came back with six runs to win in a walk-off.  But starting that 9th inning, down five with three outs to go, realizing that the Blue Jays were 54-107 that season for a good reason, yet good things kept happening.  Every pinch-hitter I sent up produced a hit, and the pinch-runner with an EX running rating scored the winning run on an infield grounder, beating the throw home.  It doesn't happen that way very often.  Glad it happened today, though, for more reason than winning a dice game.  

BB and I got some soft-serve after supper, a few miles up the road at Ice Cream World.  It was sunny and in the high 70's, and the forecast for Friday called for rain most of the day, so this was the better day.  Hopefully I haven't asked too much from my stomach.        

EDIT:  If you'd asked me at 3:00 this morning, I would have said that I had.

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