Sunday, May 30, 2021

Another step up

The sign outside the Giant down the road announced that anyone who had been fully vaccinated could enter without a mask, in keeping with CDC guidelines and recommendations.   First time I've seen that.

A brief listing of the day's events:

- Read more of Brave Men
- Watched more of the PBS special on the life of Ernie Pyle
- Read more of The History of the Standard Oil Company.  
  - Wondered why the oil refiners in the Cleveland area simply rolled over and sold out to John D. Rockefeller, instead of banding together and fighting back
- Updated BIOS on my PC, updated drivers on BB's PC
- Watched a few holes of the golf tournament
- Learned more about the kind of cabinets that are installed in a garage, which brands sell quality products, and how to install them
- Had good Quality Time with my "widdle baby durl", who hopped into my lap and lay down.  She left sometime during my nap.
- At one point during the afternoon (a rainy, cold one) I looked out the back window and saw a squirrel, a pair of mallards, and a rabbit on the ground near a neighbor's bird feeders.
- Read a blog post from rabbit-lover Noah Smith about his experience with depression and saw myself in it.  When it's good, you can't remember how bad the bad part was, and when it's bad, you can't imagine things ever getting better.  He's better now, and so am I.  

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