Thursday, May 13, 2021


2nd Covid vaccine shot this afternoon.  Very organized, even the long line moved quickly.  A half-day off with pay from the company, so it's all good. 

Then to the Bethlehem ShopRite for a few things we can't find at Wegmans, Giant, Redners, or even Weis.  John Martin meats, cheap seltzer, and it always seems like either Ben & Jerry or Haagen Daas is on sale for $2.88.  (The latter, today)

Then home.  Watched a half-hour of My Favorite Wife before giving up.  Not funny.  Next, Victor/Victoria for the first time in many years.  Watched 45 minutes before falling asleep.  Woke up around 6:00 with soreness in the left arm where the vaccine went in.

Is that it?  Yeah, that's enough.

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