Thursday, May 6, 2021

My afternoon

Downstairs after logging off at 5:00 (4:55, truth be told), I sat down on the recliner, which quickly turned into lying down and from there to napping.

Regaining consciousness a half-hour later, I ate a bowl of chili, drank a 16-oz. Pepsi, and enjoyed a Dove Bar for dessert.

Here's what Google history says followed (abridged):

* Amazon, bought a pump for the cats' water fountain, along with a few other things (baby aspirin, mixed nuts)

* Yesterday, I read a New Yorker interview with a former writer for the Simpsons, who has self-published more than a dozen books.  

* Today, when I went to Amazon, one of the writer's books was recommended to me.  Nosy, aren't they?  Isn't there a law against that?

* Good old baseball for awhile:  reliving the improbable home runs from Bartolo Colon and Rick Camp

* Good old rock and roll after that:  drum videos from German teen Sina, particularly this one...

Back to the Baseball Think Factory page, then to Facebook, and finally to the bookmarked kinescope of Blithe Spirit (which will probably be taken down, so not bothering with a link).  Ford Star Theatre, January 14, 1956, with Claudette Colbert, Lauren Bacall, Mildred Natwick, and of course, Noel Coward.  (No, I'm not forgetting the pre-"Mrs. C" Marion Ross.)  Not enough time to finish watching it tonight, so tomorrow night for sure.

P.S.:  A new season of Cocaine and Rhinestones, *and* a new season of You Must Remember This, neither of which are hidden behind any manner of paywall?  These *are* the good old days.

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