Thursday, March 16, 2023

In Conclusion

 TL;DR:  Nope

I spent probably the better part of an hour looking for information about gifts and price limits and reading it.  But the guidelines are clear:  $50 is the maximum value of a gift before you have to report it.  So I did the right thing by notifying my supervisor, by notifying the three-letter acronym within the company that rules on such things, and by giving the gift-giver a heads-up that his generosity may have gone too far.

A little more than an hour later, the verdict came down:  "DENIED" (capital letters and all)  It must either be sent back or donated to a company-approved charity.

I waited until after noon, packaged the PDF in a password-protected zip file and emailed it back, copying the internal contact as instructed.  Easy come, easy go, amirite?

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