Thursday, March 16, 2023

In the meantime

This afternoon, a van stopped in front of the house and a man got out and came to the door carrying a package about the size of a King James bible.  

As predicted yesterday, my phone is here.  SmartSwitch worked really well, transferring everything from old device to new in minutes.  That was the part I was concerned about.  I guess I'm showing my age, remembering the rigmarole that was necessary after purchasing a new PC.

Now, I have a nifty container for accessing all my online stuff, but until Verizon transfers the number, it's useless as a phone.

They tried to talk me into a charger, but I parried that by telling them I have a wireless charger, which is true.  But it wasn't until the phone arrived that I checked the shoebox in the office closet, the one that holds all manner of spare parts accumulated from prior hardware purchases.  

The first thing I pulled out was a short wire with USB at one end and USB-C at the other.  Just the thing I needed; I must have been thinking if I held onto it, it would be useful for something someday.  

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