Begun in 2020 as Pandemic Quarantine Diary, and now it's whatever strikes my fancy.
Friday, December 29, 2023
Thought while scrolling
Friday off
A different day than usual. PG and I drove to the Bethlehem ShopRite to get out of the house and out of the rut we've been in. Cold, wet weather had kept us inside for days. It wasn't exactly clear and sunny today, but there were breaks in the clouds that let through some sunshine as we drove.
I found the Tropicana Pure Premium grapefruit juice I wanted, and she picked up cat food along with the rabbit food for our evening salads. I brought out the ShopRite app to get an e-coupon that saved several dollars on boxes of cereal. And, while she picked out an eyebrow pencil, I walked across the aisle and impulse-bought some fleece pants for $7.
We paid and I drove back west to her 2:00 PT appointment. We went to ShopRite via I-78, and for a change I drove west on route 22. We briefly saw a field full of snow geese, gleaning the leftovers of the harvested grain. I glimpsed several geese flying before a semi blocked the view.
Friday, December 22, 2023
Traditional Friday Cat Blogging: Kit and Nora
Sunday, December 17, 2023
Early Sunday Morning
In the past week, I tried eating and drinking the junk foods I ate and drank for years, and it's not the same. Doesn't taste real good, and while it's not making me sick, I feel better when I don't consume them. I've kept off the nearly 20 pounds I dropped after July 5.
Took a route to TP today that I hadn't tried before. At one point south of Quakertown, I wound up in a long line waiting for a flagman to wave us through. The drive was about the same length as the one I normally take, but took nearly twice as long. OK, that route's one and done. Lots of traffic and low speed limits.
Drum practice has slipped recent days. I was going along with a structure of 5-10 minute warmup, 10-15 minutes of rudiment practice, and 5-10 minutes of playing with songs. Starting to think that the rudiment practice is for people who are young and want the full well-rounded learning experience because they intend to do something serious with that knowledge. Whereas I'm not young and don't care for rudiments any more than I cared for scales on the other instruments I did a half-assed job of studying. I'm almost done with the double-stroke roll section of the Drumeo Method, and that may be where I stop, in favor of searching songs and watching YouTube videos of drummers playing those songs.
Thursday, December 14, 2023
Early Thursday Morning
This was the kind of night I had regularly before starting drum lessons. Sit down in the recliner, put on the headphones and take a nap. Wake up and go down rabbit holes until midnight.
"We Hold These Truths" - never had heard of Norman Corwin until an episode of Fred Allen's CBS show from the early 1940's. Well-known then, forgotten in later years, but lived long enough (1910-2011) to return to public regard as people rediscovered his early work. A week after Pearl Harbor, this show was broadcast on all four networks simultaneously and reached an audience of 63 million.
The National Recording Registry - Holds the original recording of We Hold These Truths and a lot more, including Aja. Read about Sister Rosetta Tharpe, Nat G. Wells, Mary Margaret McBride, the 1925 inauguration of Calvin Coolidge, and on and on I went.
Eventually, put on an episode of The New Yorker's Political Scene and played mindless Fishdom for the first time in weeks for the 35-minute length of the program. Osnos, Mayer, and Glasser bat around topics in the news, and entertainingly enough so that I put aside my usual disdain for unscripted podcasts. Give me You Must Remember This or Cocaine and Rhinestones, tell me a story, preferably about a time before I was born.
I can understand why Karina Longworth wrote so much about the films of the 80's and 90's, because that's what she grew up with and it was something she had a lot to say about. But I still go back to the MGM season or the Dead Blondes season to listen again, and I'm pretty sure I'll never do that with Erotic Eighties or Erotic Nineties.
Tomorrow, uh, later today, back to normal. Eat less, drum more.
Monday, December 11, 2023
Take your pick
Sunday, December 10, 2023
Progression, or One Thought Leads to Another
It's after midnight, December 6. A couple of years ago, I used to wait up and do the day's Wordle right after midnight. Not anymore.
I also used to play an online game where you have to guess the year a photo was taken. After awhile, I could tell a 20's photo from a 40's from a 60's. But all 21st-Century images look alike to me.
There's a website run by Duke University with photos of billboards over several decades. Here's my favorite, taken in 1939, and which must have been known as the Esso Bee:
Later that day, I opened Facebook, and among the on-this-date memories was one from 2022, featuring the Esso Bee. December 6 is Esso Bee Day!
Thoughts While Scrolling
It says "pom," John. P. O. M. Just because the lower-case M looks to you at first glance like a squashed-together R and N, that only tells me you must spend too much time in a certain red-light area of the Internet. (Although the mental image of video sex workers in those hats and little else is intriguing.)
Tuesday, December 5, 2023
Not only, but also
Not only is the sun setting before 5:00 p.m., during the daylight hours it's been so cloudy that the solar battery-powered night light in my bathroom isn't building up enough of a charge to light it up. This is the third straight night that has happened. It might be a record.
Monday, December 4, 2023
Thoughts While Scrolling
It could be looked up, I suppose, but just a hunch that this is one of the first times that word has appeared in the New York Times.
Saturday, December 2, 2023
Saturday Evening Post
Pleased to say that the fall off the food wagon was quick and that I'm back on and back to the weight prior to the fall. One example: bought a 20-oz Pepsi to go with Friday afternoon's homemade pizza. Had 1/4 of the pizza and less than half the Pepsi. There's still some left in the upstairs refrigerator.
A good day shopping. Two pairs of no-iron Dockers that fit my 20-pound lighter body better than the khakis currently hanging in the closet. Had some store credit and there was a Cyber Week coupon to apply, so they cost far less than sticker price.
Found a quarter in one store, a penny in another, and one more penny in still another. I keep thinking that with electronic payments, people aren't going to carry change to lose anymore, but people keep proving me wrong. Every cent goes to helping shelter cats, so I keep looking for it.