Sunday, December 10, 2023

Progression, or One Thought Leads to Another

It's after midnight, December 6.  A couple of years ago, I used to wait up and do the day's Wordle right after midnight.  Not anymore. 

I also used to play an online game where you have to guess the year a photo was taken.  After awhile, I could tell a 20's photo from a 40's from a 60's.  But all 21st-Century images look alike to me.

There's a website run by Duke University with photos of billboards over several decades.  Here's my favorite, taken in 1939, and which must have been known as the Esso Bee:


Later that day, I opened Facebook, and among the on-this-date memories was one from 2022, featuring the Esso Bee.  December 6 is Esso Bee Day!

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