Monday, January 22, 2024

Four Things

1.  At Tabby's Place, a woman I didn't know approached me and told me she had adopted Sabrina, and she thanked me for the Throwback Thursday pictures of her cat that had been posted about a month ago.  

2.  Recently, I was in the $1.25 Tree store, and on the bookshelf I found Funny Girl, a novel by Nick Hornby.  I had a vague memory of him associated positively with Steely Dan, and that he'd written a couple of other critically-praised things I'd heard of, so I bought the book.  Last night, as I scanned the Sunday night Tivo listings, I found Funny Woman, a British show based on the book.  (Good idea changing the name.)  "There are no coincidences"?  Ha!

3.  Xitter has its lower-class neighborhoods, I'm told, but where I hang out is perfectly OK.  Still sharp and intelligent.  For instance:

There were several dozen responses that referenced Steely Dan, and every one of them was a reference to something in one of the first seven LP's,  Can't Buy a Thrill through Gaucho. Nothing from Two Against Nature (Grammy Album of the Year!) or Everything Must Go, and zilch from the solo releases. 

My response was slow, and a quote tweet instead of a direct reply, but it works while still fitting in with the crowd.  My excuse is that I had to narrow things down, discarding 11 Tracks of Whack and Circus Money, where others already had a limited list of sources.    

4.  I had a podcast on while driving home yesterday afternoon, the OMG (Osnos, Mayer, Glasser) Political Scene from The New Yorker.  Shortly after crossing the PA border, it ended and unexpectedly, another podcast began, this one devoted to drumming history.  This one, a look back at Neil Peart's gear.  This one, designated as Part II, and just for the years 1982-1994.  This one, nearly two hours long; 1:47.31 to be exact.  (My eyebrows raising higher and higher as I realized all this.)

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