Sunday, January 14, 2024

Sunday afternoon

Blood test yesterday morning, and good news on the A1C test.  After dropping 20+ pounds since the prior test, the A1C is now at a "pre-diabetes" level that is considered not to be abnormal for someone over age 65.  I found a study that said less than 12% of seniors who were between 5.7 and 6.4 went on to a later diagnosis of diabetes.  I bookmarked a couple of other articles to prepare for my next appointment.  They're not likely to prescribe something based on the progress in the past 6 months, but just in case, I'm going to be ready to say no thanks.

Snow squalls and high winds in the forecast, so I didn't drive East to see the cats today, but fortunately I can go tomorrow on the national holiday.  What to do instead of taking notes and taking pictures and loving on cats?

Vacuum the family room... print my W2 from work... take out the trash... scoop the cat boxes... take out the full cat poop receptacle... 

Phooey on chores.  Play Immaculate Grid!

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