Saturday, January 27, 2024

One Extended Moment

Before we went out for bird seed and one or two other things at Walmart, I locked the front door.  From there, I could see two robins in the yard across the street.  I had read that the temperature reached 80 degrees in Washington D.C. yesterday, although it had been 30 degrees cooler north of Philadelphia.  At least two birds took the unseasonable warmth as their cue to head north.  They were too far away to photograph, as if they were any different from any other robins on the continent.  But either they're very smart, and they know something about the upcoming weather that I don't know, or life is going to be mighty difficult for them over the next couple of months.  

However, when I pulled into a parking spot at Walmart, this sparrow was much closer, in the cart corral just past the hood.  Unlike the birds who frequent our back yard feeders, this one doesn't fly away at the sight of a human.  I had several seconds to unpocket the phone, enter the unlock code, call up the camera app, and set up the shot, then take three pictures.  

Girl Scout cookie sellers at Walmart and at Tractor Supply just down the road.  No thanks, I can live without it.  I made cinnamon buns this morning.

Took the broken-down boxes from the basement to the township yard waste site and plopped them in the cardboard recycling dumpster.  More physical activity than I've had in many a moon, but at least I'm not broken down.  And the basement now has more space than it has had in years.

"On The Town" on the TiVo.  I can take or leave the dancing, and shrug at the songs and the story.  But those 35mm Technicolor views of late-1940's Manhattan make me reach for the pause button every time.  Somewhere someone has a website with a detailed list of the billboards in Times Square, and I wish I could find it.  Muttering, "... in the 30's it was Planters Peanuts, Chevrolet, and Coca-Cola.  Then in the early 40's it was Four Roses/Kinsey whiskey, Ruppert beer, and Pepsi-Cola.  After that, Canadian Club whiskey and Admiral TV and appliances from the mid-50's to the mid-60's... after that, who cares..."  

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