Monday, March 8, 2021

At times like these

I've already listened to all the available WWII newscasts via YouTube, but lately I've felt like going through them all again.  This war against Covid-19 seems to have turned in the favor of the good guys, like late 1944-early 1945.  I just need a reminder that these days of semi-quarantine are much closer to the end than to the beginning a year ago.  

A new personal record tonight.  Good Queen Swirly climbed into my lap around 8:00.  An hour and a half later, my legs twitching from self-imposed immobility, I stood up and she jumped down.   

Another chilly day today, but sunny. Forecast is calling for spring-like conditions, especially on Thursday, when it's expected to be 70 degrees.  Time to take the cover off the Weber and grill some Whole Foods pork chops.   

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