Friday, March 26, 2021

Dirty money

Reelin' in the Years and Do It Again were the two hits from the first Steely Dan album, but now, nearly 50 years later, the song from that album with more visibility is Dirty Work.  

And more 21st-Century bankability, having been used also at the beginning of American Hustle.  But American Hustle was eight years ago, and back then the target audience for Suicide Squad 2 was probably still in elementary school.  So it's new to them!

Just imagining someone seeing the movie, loving the song, and looking for more music by Steely Dan... and learning the singer, David Palmer, sang lead on only one of the remaining nine songs on Can't Buy a Thrill.  

Edit:  maybe I shouldn't be surprised at how much SD music is being used nowadays.  So maybe they're not just the guys who stole the Grammy from Eminem twenty years ago? 

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