Wednesday, March 24, 2021

...but first...

Time for bed, after a recap of the day.  Rain this morning, rain this afternoon.  I came downstairs for breakfast and BB and I agreed it was a good day.  We felt well and in good spirits.  

I did my job from 8:30 to 5:00 with a lunch break just after noon.  We played at the Spelling Bees (yes, plural, due to some technical difficulties at the Times).  We solved both before I went back to work at 1:00.  

At the game, she's good and I'm good.  Sometimes she gets the majority of the words and the pangram, and other times I take care of them.  It would be hard to say that one of us or the other is clearly better at the game.  

It plays on our competitive instinct, and that makes it more fun.  If BB reels off several words in a row, I feel like I'm not holding up my end.  Actually, though, we have different tactics.  I'm looking for home runs, high-value long words, and she's looking for any words.  

One strategy I've used is to get halfway to genius level and leave the rest for her.  I've also looked only for words of five letters or more, which produce point values equal to the number of letters.  Finding a four-letter word is only worth one point. dot dot... Good Queen Schwirley on my lap during the Rutgers-Maryland volleyball match... playing Fishdom while listening to game 2 of the 1982 World Series with Vin Scully and Sparky Anderson... the all-day rain left multiple puddles in the back yard, and BB wants a French drain to move excess water to the big drain at the back of the property... the little black pooshka still comes to us for meals, but not the big ol' creampuff, the poor guy.  Pretty sure he's not in pain anymore.

Stimulus checks for thousands of dollars -- what a country!

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