Thursday, March 25, 2021

I know nothing

 ...but here's what I'm thinking.

I'm not inclined toward conspiracy theories.  Oswald probably acted alone, and probably so did Jack Ruby.  (I would be surprised if Epstein really killed himself.)

But on a smaller, much less important level, I feel like something funny is going on with Coca-Cola.  I'm old enough to remember New Coke (which reminded me of RC Cola, to tell the truth) and how Classic Coke was hurried onto the market and overtook it.  

So maybe the lesson they learned at Coke was not to make a big production out of a change in formula.  Maybe go the other way.  Change the formula to one that people preferred in taste tests, but don't tell anyone you're doing it.  Then for the percentage of folks who can tell the difference, make sure word gets around that Mexican Coke is made with real sugar, not corn syrup, and tastes like The Real Thing that's been their favorite since childhood.  It even comes in green-glass bottles. 

Results:  cost savings on the main brand, which I feel confident has removed some of the pricier ingredients, and for the old-timers they make what's now the boutique version that's more expensive to buy, but made in Mexico likely means less expensive to obtain ingredients and for labor.  

I asked BB to set up a blind taste test with the two versions of Coke.  She handed me a juice glass of soda, and as I brought it up to drink, I smelled Coca-Cola.  Didn't even need to taste it.  This was the glass-bottled, sugar-sweetened, cola-nut drink I've known all my life. 

The past couple of years, I've taken a chance on the yellow-capped Passover Coke available in limited quantities.  Time was, it tasted authentic, but since a year or two ago, it just tastes like carbonated molasses, as though they're using a ton of brown sugar and none of the flavorings that went into the Coke of my childhood, youth, young adulthood, middle age, and the beginning of the autumn of my years.  

So did Coca-Cola really plan it this way?  I'll never know and they'd never tell if they did.  It was nice while it lasted, and Pepsi's happy to have my business now.

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