Friday, March 5, 2021

Friday post

I woke up.  Nelson joined me on the bed.  I petted him for several minutes before he jumped off.

I walked down the hall, booted my work laptop and home PC, and went to work.

At 12:30, I ate something.

A little after 1:15, back to work.  The 1:30 call went off as scheduled, but the 3:00 call had to be rescheduled.  I used the time to keep on top of things in the mailboxes and work ahead on tool maintenance.

Logged off just after 5:00.  Went downstairs, finished what BB started with patting out the pizza dough, loaded it with sauce, pepperoni and mozzarella, and slid it into the 500-degree oven for 10 minutes.

Caught up on the news, then watched most of Purdue-Penn State before switching to Nebraska-Illinois at 9:00.  A pair of 3-0 sweeps.

A few words to document an ordinary day.  But really, it wouldn't have been any different if there were no pandemic.  

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