Saturday, March 6, 2021

Saturday Evening Post

 My day:  for the first time in a long time, I fed the cats at 4:30 instead of BB.  Didn't get everything right, but that's understandable and forgivable.  And she got more rest.

Arranged to receive mail-in ballots every year from the county, and renewed my license plates.  

Went to Wegmans for this and that, totaling about $80.  Meat and ice cream, mostly.  Graeter's and Dove bars, specifically.

Back home,  I baked M&M cookies.  BB likes crisp cookies, so this time I used all-purpose flour instead of bread flour (less gluten) and melted the butter completely so the cookies would spread.  

Then in the Toyota... first intending to pick up bird seed from the Ace Hardware down the street.  But BB noticed that if we waited until tomorrow, we could get another $5 off.  So I turned it into a nice long ride in the countryside.  West on 222 until the former Farmer Brown's (where we reminisced about seeing a newborn calf in the field by the side of the driveway) and saw the new traffic circle for the first time.  

Then north on some 3-digit road, knowing that eventually I'd reach Old Route 22 and I-78.  On the way, we had to detour around a bridge under reconstruction, but that allowed us to see a, um, well, a cow-like creature, but with longer hair.  (Back home, I searched for "shaggy cow" and sure enough, it was a Highland.)   Also saw either llamas or alpacas well off the road on Old 22.  Plus, plenty of cattle.  BB said they'd better be careful, because lately there have been a lot of stolen cattle-lytic converters.

All in all, about 40 miles in about an hour.  Good Quality Time together, you could call it.  

Watched Nebraska sweep Illinois for the 2nd straight night.

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