Friday, March 19, 2021

Friday night

Couldn't write last night because Good Queen Swirly was on my lap for a couple of hours.  

What happened worth writing about?  BB's first of two Pfizer Covid-19 vaccinations at LVH.  She was nervous all the way there, but relaxed when we saw the queue of people waiting their turn.  I dropped her off at the entrance and parked the car on the protected level because it was raining (a rain that continued all day).  

We had our temps taken at the door, but didn't get the sticker they've handed out in the past to signify we've passed.  BB didn't want to use a wheelchair until she saw the length of the line, stretching to the cafeteria.  I walked up ahead to see where the beginning of the line was, finding it about halfway down the hall at the far west end of the ground floor.  

So, back to the front entrance, where I asked for a wheelchair and rolled it back down the hall where BB was standing uncomfortably.  

The line moved slowly and intermittently, and we reached the western block of elevators several minutes later.  That's when a woman from the hospital picked out BB and a woman using a cane, pulled them out of line and led them to someone who was giving out shots.

There were no immediate side effects, although later in the evening BB reported her shoulder was stiff and sore where the needle had gone in.  One down, one to go; the 2nd of 2 shots is scheduled for April 8.

Accomplishment:  resisted temptation to photograph the line, the wheelchair, the nurse and the shot.

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