Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Tuesday night

A good day at work.  Got to work on what I enjoy doing much more than on the parts I don't enjoy.  Spreadsheets si, conference calls with strangers no.

The thermometer in the kitchen put the outside temperature at 63 degrees, and in mid-afternoon BB and I took our first outdoor walk in weeks.  Still piles of snow here and there, but with a couple more days ahead also in the sixties, there'll be a lot less of it by the end of the week. 

Finished copying the data in Dropbox over to the external drive.  It took several days just to make the copies of the 200+ GB of photos from the past 22 years.  Next stop, the safe-deposit box.

Some more forward steps:  watched the Tivo recording of Friday's Nebraska-Illinois match and kept track of six consecutive rotations of offense.  For the first time, I could see the order the players were supposed to be in; the way they lined up to nominally achieve that and stay within the rules; and their actual positions on the court during play.  I learned something, and nothing even went wrong.

Random question:  has anyone ever tried a slide to the left with a lefty player?  All the slides I've seen in 2 years have had the setter go over her head and behind her to a RH player.  I guess the setter always sets up facing that way in the opposite direction of the slide-er.

Also read a few more paragraphs from a long article in Le Monde about street kids.  Learned some more things that should be useful:  Pieces jaunes = spare change   Passer une tête = dropped by     Se lever d'un bond = leaped up    Une laverie = laundromat     I didn't need any translation for "un joint."  

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