Sunday, April 4, 2021

A little something different

Accessed audio books for Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and I Would Be Doing This Anyway.  Planning on canceling Kindle Unlimited before the 2-month free trial is up.  There may be audio books, but not much I'm interested in, and what there is is mighty hard to find.  Now, if I'm willing to shell out $15 a month, Audible promises the earth, moon, and stars.  I'm not yet persuaded.

A sunny spring day, warm enough that I walked around the entire oval of the development, a few hundred yards.  Nice to be able to do it without pain or fatigue.  Times like this, I forget that I was born during the 1st Eisenhower Administration, when the U.S. flag still had only 48 stars.  

Began watching The Awful Truth, but paused it 20 minutes in and didn't get back to it.  But I have the day off tomorrow.  

All that, and the usual news reading, the Post, the Times, and Le Monde.  

Good day to grill pork chops.  I know, because that's what I did.  

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