Wednesday, April 14, 2021

"I owe it all to clean living..."

 "...and a Happy Heart."  Here I am, days away from being able to apply for Medicare (3 months before the age 65 birthday in July) and I'm walking around the block just like I did when we moved here in 1998.  Legs are strong climbing the incline, not even breathing hard.  Gee, I'm a lucky stiff.  

To help me stay that way, my 1st Covid-19 shot is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon at 1:30.  Had to schedule it a half-hour drive from here because everything else related to the hospital was booked solid.

My employer gives us four paid hours off for a Covid-19 vaccination, so BB and I are going to take some of that time post-Fauci Ouchi and shop at the ShopRite right down the highway.  

During the walk, I listened to "Cocaine and Rhinestones" a sort of "You Must Remember This," Nashville edition.  

Also during the walk, spotted four cottontails, nibbling at sunset.  

Across the street, in the "Mayor's" yard, walking around like he was evaluating the property, was Blott.  He strode down the driveway until he reached the sidewalk, and followed that until he was out of sight behind some landscaping.

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