Friday, April 23, 2021

I learned something

On a Friday of PTO, BB and I ran some errands in her Subaru Outback.  Yard waste to the township dumping grounds, signed tax documents to the accountant's office, and getting groceries at Wegmans.  

At that last stop, I pulled into a parking spot, turned off the engine, and tried to pull the key from the ignition, unsuccessfully.  This is a problem BB has had before, but she couldn't remember what the Subaru dealership told her about working around it.  I considered driving to that dealership, then realized there had to be some information out there already, so I pulled out my phone and Googled the symptoms.  

The first result didn't help much (it involved a Phillips screwdriver and unplugging something under the cover), but the second result was what we needed.  Put it in Auxiliary, put your foot on the brake, and move the shifter from Park to Drive and back again.  

Then I took the key out of the ignition and Pat and I went into Wegmans.

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