Tuesday, April 20, 2021

My Day

Activity:  1 lap around the development in the late afternoon, a few hundred yards with BB in the early afternoon, and moseying around Walmart in search of bird seed and lemonade.

Visitor cats who set off the motion detector:  today, it was first Blott, then the gray tom, then Blott, who polished off the half-can of Friskies set out on the plate just outside the back door.  I put the other half on the same plate, and moments ago Blott finished that, too.

Blott took off when he saw me, but for the first time, the gray tom did not run for his life.  

Yesterday, a raccoon visited, and I chased him away from the cats' food with a few shakes of the can of coins we keep next to the television.

Over the weekend, I watched the last few minutes of an episode of the Beverly Hillbillies.  Something good was coming on at the top of the hour, and I had some time to kill before then.  

Today, I was sniffing around the virtual rabbit hole online, which led me to a website devoted to old time TV.  The posts stopped in 2015, but the Google link was still live, and on a screen full of TV Guide listings, there was one page from December 1963 that included the listing for that same episode of the Beverly Hillbillies.  Coincidence?  I think so.


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