Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Trivia time

Watched some of Harold Lloyd's "Speedy" this evening.  Not surprisingly, there are a few websites that research the baseball events in the movie.  What I couldn't find was a reference to the scene when Lloyd's character buys a newspaper after yet another job blows up on him.  This is at about the 11-minute mark.  On our large flatscreen, it's possible to read parts of some headlines from page 1 of the New York Times: "Subway Blast", "Baltimore Mayor".

Narrowing it down, filming took place in summer 1927, and a few other occurrences are placed in the July-August timeframe.

So I called up the Times Machine and started looking at Page 1 on July 1.  My hunch was right, and I found the headline on the issue of August 7, 1927.  

There, a contribution to cinema history.  <Bows deeply>

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