Sunday, April 18, 2021

Lights on, lights off

After a dark couple of hours, the motion detector light came on at about 9:45.  With all inside lights off, I was able to watch the shy gray cat wolf down food for several minutes.  He peeked over his shoulder frequently during that time.

I went back to my chair and the light went off soon after.  But moments later, the light went back on, and this time it was Blott, feasting on what the gray cat had left behind.  

None of this would be happening if Puffy was around.

No baking or cooking today.  BB made a cheese omelet and I ate it between volleyball matches.  Even without Lauren Stivrins, Nebraska swept Baylor, so in two days it'll be Texas vs. Nebraska.   

One solo walk around the development in the morning, and one walk up the hill and around the corner with BB.  It'd be too easy to stay inside and do nothing, and get heavier.  Tomorrow I'll reach age 64 and 9 months, and thus will be eligible to apply for Medicare.  I'd like to be able to stick around awhile without needing to use it.

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